




SIGN-AIR will develop and pilot a new platform for an orchestrated sharing of data in multimodal traveling. The platform will provide the means for Transport Service Providers (TSPs) to register, reach Data Sharing Agreements with other TSPs and manage their contractual relationships. While the SIGN-AIR platform will only manage the contractual aspects through the types of data offered by the TSPs, the TSPs will continue managing their data and that of their customers. As an added value, the SIGN-AIR platform will provide a number of advantages and services to the stakeholders of multimodal travel for the B2B2C chain through the analysis and exploitation of the contracts: (i) templates for contracts to simplify the legal management, (ii) electronic management and information provision about each specific contract, (iii) routing information for Travel Companions (TCs) with enriched information about the specific contracts for their traveler customers, and (iv) facilitation of single ticketing through the comprehensive understanding of the contracts and the data managed, among others. The whole concept will be moved from TRL2, reached by the mother project SYN-AIR, to TRL 7. This will be done with an intensive evolution of the software and a continuous evaluation and piloting of the software with different important stakeholders that are present in the consortium. The development of the software will generate a Minimum Valuable Product in the first 12 months of the project and, in parallel, it will be piloted and improved through continuous development of the technologies in the following 21 months, reaching a TRL7 platform in month 33 of the project. The partnership is formed by knowledgeable teams in the areas of IT, legal and mobility; including airports TSPs and Transport Authorities on the piloting side.



Role of AETHON

AETHON will have a significant role in the project by designing and implementing a series of functionalities and added value services of the SIGN-AIR platform, main project’s outcome, due to its specialization in software engineering and data analytics. More specifically, AETHON will lead the following tasks:

  • 2 ‘Data Standardization and Harmonization aspects’
  • 6 ‘Templating mechanism’
  • 9 ‘Monitoring Dashboards of TSPs for the contracts’ management’
  • 11 ‘Analytics Services’
  • 15 ‘Validation and demonstration of SIGN-AIR platform’

Finally, AETHON will lead LOT 3: ‘Post settlement and added value services’.

Project Information

Duration: 1/6/2023 to 31/5/2026 (36 months)

Budget: €6,255,977.50

Cargo Bikes and Drones

Cargo bikes and Drones



The proposed project refers to a first phase of importing drone and cargo bike into freight transport to meet some distinct needs, either in terms of transport speed or protection of some protected, sensitive environmental parts of the city. It is almost certain that at a later stage, when their technology has evolved, drone and cargo bike will be used to meet more conventional transportation needs because they will be able to carry more weight and thus serve more concentrated missions. Then, the transit centers will be the first intermediate destination in the transport chain until the final recipient. Conversely, in the first phase of light, therefore more personalized transport, small take-off / landing bases could operate, where the transfer between drone and cargo bike would take place. These bases will be on line with the transit center. The project aims to:

(a) investigate issues arising from the use of drones and bicycles in freight transport in urban places with various urban and traffic characteristics,

(b) produce a model that calculates cost, energy consumption and travel times using these means of transport per kilometer under different conditions,

(c) create a software that will include data on the location of take-off / landing points, sender and receiver addresses and landline characteristics.

Role of AETHON

AETHON will have a significant role in the technical tasks of the project due to its specialization in the design and implementation of innovative solutions aimed at modernising and improving transport services. AETHON will explore the circumstances under which freight transport with drones and cargo bikes is feasible and will contribute to the design and development of the platform.


Project Information

Duration: 17/6/2021 έως 16/12/2023 (30 months)

Budget: €932,818.00





Within IP4 more than 10 projects have created a wide array of technologies that tackles carious aspects of traveler experience. Those technologies tackle the interoperability of Transport Service Providers’ (TSPs) services, travel shopping, booking & ticketing, trip tracking, travel companion technologies and business analytics. Various tools that have been tested in various locations around Europe retrieved user feedback and improved upon the feedback. Today, IP4 has a large toolset of proven technologies that need to go to the next level and be implemented in large scale products.

IP4MaaS will assist IP4 projects to demonstrate the technologies at an unprecedented level: 6 different locations in Europe including more than 10 transport operators (Public Transport and Mobility-as-a-Service), authorities and agencies. IP4MaaS will develop the scenarios for the demonstrations and a thorough assessment strategy for the demonstrations that tackles both the performance of the demonstrations as well as the impact of the technologies on users and the environment in urban and suburban setups. IP4MaaS will create strategic plans for the demonstrations that will be updated in two iterations leading to two demonstration phases. Furthermore, the project will provide recommendations regarding the promotion and transferability of the technologies to other locations in Europe. IP4MaaS will organise and monitor one of the largest demonstrations of technologies in European projects’ history and expects its findings to be used as a baseline for future demonstrations and testing that involves a diverse group of demo partners.

Role of AETHON

AETHON is leading the Demonstration Execution Planning and Monitoring regarding the technologies that will be tested during the demonstrations and the KPIs. Furthermore, AETHON is responsible to form and run the Integration Committee, the Data Committee and the Management Committee for the demonstrations. AETHON is also involved in every Work Package of the project.


Project Information

Duration: 1/12/2020 to 31/5/2023 (30 months)

Budget: €2,507,081.25

Project link: https://www.ip4maas.eu/





The project’s goal is to create an online platform, that will connect the companies (through their representatives) that want to exchange not useful products, or unused equipment or even services. This platform will also provide the opportunity to recycle or even donate to charity or other organizations. In this way, the platform will try to tackle the problem of unused resources and unused equipment of companies and especially in the construction field.

The project will analyze and describe the needs of the market and the users, and the architectural design of the platform (the modules, requirements and functionalities of EFFICIOUS). At the same time, a smart algorithm will be developed in order to match demand and supply. Then the implementation of the platform will be initialized, the corresponding database will be created, and the interface will be configured. Finally, a pilot will be carried out with the help of construction companies and a feasibility study along with a business plan will be produced.

The creation of the platform aims to re-use surplus products or services through their exchange, aiming at enhancing the circular economy, waste management and reducing energy footprint of companies. EFFICIOUS’s goal is to offer a holistic solution that will generate profit for the companies by creating value for unused products and thus reducing the companies’ costs.

Role of AETHON

AETHON is the only beneficiary and coordinator of the project

Project Information

Project ID: Τ2ΕΔΚ-00023

Duration: 28/7/2020 έως 27/1/2023 (30 μήνες)

Budget: €199,778.00 €

The project with code Τ2ΕΔΚ-00023 and name EFFICIOUS is executed through the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (NSRF) for the period 2014-2020 through the Action «ΕΡΕΥΝΩ – ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΩ – ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΩ» (Β’ Κύκλος). The total budget of the project is €199.778,00, while the Public Funding for the project is 151.803,40.

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