MoveWise-Research (MW-R)

MoveWise-Research (MW-R)



This proposal for the project MoveWise-Research (MW-R) is submitted for the call INNOSUP-02-2016 “SME Innovation Associate”. AETHON requests to hire a post-doctoral researcher with sufficient academic experience on transportation engineering, data analytics, behavioural analysis and IT programming for the purpose of performing a proof-of-concept research (TRL 5 – development of model/algorithm) on modelling tours incorporating user feedback. The key objective of the MW-R project is to develop a model/algorithm for planning of tours and trips in real time incorporating user preferences and data on traffic obtained from public (and open) sources. The model will be created by using data from public transport authorities in Greece and by performing a small scale survey to obtain user feedback on trips. By achieving the MW-R goal, the model will be able to change the perspective of travellers by providing targeted information about planned routes that will improve mode, route, time of departure and destination choice. AETHON aims to incorporate the model in a smartphone application and to gain knowledge on transportation behavioural analysis that can be used in multiple professional activities.

Role of AETHON

AETHON is the coordinator of the project.

Project Information

Duration: 29/9/2017 to 28/9/2018 (12 months)

Budget: €64,243.8

Project link

Public Results

Public Deliverables:

Open Publications:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 739607.

My TRAvel Companion (My-TRAC)

My TRAvel Companion (My-TRAC)



My-TRAC project aims to deliver an innovative application for seamless transport and an ecosystem of models and algorithms for Public Transport – PT user choice simulation, data analytics and affective computing. My-TRAC stands out from other technologies due to three main reasons. First, My-TRAC fosters unprecedented involvement of users during, before and after a trip through a smart Human-Machine interface and numerous functionalities such as crowdsourcing, group recommendations, data exchange. Second, the application implements a vast array of technologies, such as affective computing, Artificial Intelligence and user choice simulation, that fuse expertise from multiple fields. Third, My-TRAC facilitates engagement of multiple stakeholders by seamlessly integrating services and creating connections between Rail operators, Mobility-as-a-Service and other PT providers.

My-TRAC application is a travel companion designed to operate similarly to a human companion; understanding traveller’s attributes and state-of-mind to derive conclusions from vague information as any human does. In addition, My-TRAC will be the traveller’s gateway to various services related to using PT, having Rail in the epicentre. My-TRAC application will also provide predictive information concerning disruptions and disturbances. It will not only display data but analyse them through innovative algorithms to provide improved recommendations.

My-TRAC also involves PT operators through the “operators’ interface” where they can retrieve and visualize aggregated data on users’ movements and state-of-mind that will assist in strategic and dynamic operations. Data that the operators retrieve are aggregated and anonymized while all models and algorithms are applied on the mobile device of the user, seamlessly integrating the “privacy-by-design” concept.

The consortium will test the idea in 4 pilot locations with the cooperation of local operators: NS (NL), ATTIKO Metro (GR), FGC (SP), Fertagus (PT).

AETHON is the initiator of the My-TRAC project idea.

Role of AETHON

AETHON is leading technical tasks related to user-centric technologies of the My-TRAC application. AETHON performs multiple tasks related to behavioural analytics of passengers and participates actively in the data collection processes (design and implementation of questionnaire survey, analysis of mobility patterns etc.). Furthermore, AETHON works on the development of the My-TRAC smartphone application and is leading the development of the “operator’s interface”. Finally, AETHON participates in pilot’s design and execution in 4 countries: Greece, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal.


Project Information

Duration: 1/9/2017 to 31/8/2020 (36 months)

Budget: €3,494,476.25

Project link (Project website), (Publication in CORDIS)

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