Ip4Maas – Final event

Exciting news from Barcelona!

The momentous finale of the IP4MaaS, #ExtenSive, and #CONNECTIVE projects, powered by the #shift2rail Joint Undertaking, wrapped up with great success at the #uitp2023 UITP Global Public Transport Summit PT Summit.

All partners from these remarkable projects came together to showcase their unwavering dedication and hard work. The Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking proudly unveiled their groundbreaking developments and solutions, paving the way for seamless transportation across Europe. Meanwhile, the IP4MaaS members astounded the audience with real-life demonstrations of their cutting-edge technologies, enriching everyone’s experience and knowledge.

At AETHON Engineering, our mission aligns perfectly with this vision: to innovate transport and mobility services, empower operators, simplify citizens’ lives, and ultimately realize seamless door-to-door pan-European travel.

We were honored to be a part of this exceptional event and contribute to this noble cause. A heartfelt thank you to all our partners for their invaluable work. Together, we can shape the future of transportation!

#transportationinnovation #railwayadvancement #globalsummit #europeanprojects #teamwork

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