AETHON at ICTR 2023: Explore the Progress of the Smart Bus Project

Join us at the prestigious ICTR conference on September 21st and learn more about our progress towards a more efficent, sustainable and eco-friendly transport system for rural areas through the Smart Bus project.

The paper “Exploring Preferences for On-Demand Bus Lines in Rural Greece” has been accepted and will be presented on 21/9 in Heraklion, Crete, showcasing the research outcomes and the progress of Smart Bus.

Meet NTUA’s transport researchers and valued partners Panagiotis Tzouras and Stefanos Tsigdinos, collaborating with us to revolutionize rural transportation that will be presenting. Our team and co-authors will also be there to meet you and discuss with you the future of public transport.

AETHON is proud to drive advancements in public transport, boosting efficiency and service quality. Be part of shaping the mobility landscape!

Learn more about the ICTR Congress and check the program to schedule attending the presentation of the paper here: ➡️

To find out more about Smart Bus project please visit our webpage:


The research has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds, National Strategic Reference Framework 2014-2020 (NSRF), through the operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE (project code: T1EDK-01695; name: “Smart Bus”)

Don’t miss this chance to define the #FutureOfTransport! #ICTRConference #SmartBusProject #SustainableMobility

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