Shaping the Future of Mobility: AETHON’s Vision in Action at the KEYSTONE EU Workshop

The KEYSTONE EU Project workshop we hosted in Athens was a pivotal moment in our journey toward AI-driven, sustainable, and efficient transport ecosystems. Bringing together leading experts, pioneering projects, and key industry players, we tackled the challenges of digitized, federated transport networks and explored solutions that will define the future of European mobility.

Over the course of two days, we held the General Assembly for the project, with an additional day dedicated to a workshop. During this time, we engaged with SETO, SEDEA, eFTI4EU, SOTAH-AFFINIS, and esteemed partners like Port of La Spezia, CERTH, DG Move International, ICOOR, TTS Italia, RINA, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Coventry University, and the Smart Transportation Alliance. These discussions reinforced the power of collaboration and innovation in shaping the next generation of transport and logistics.

This workshop marked an important milestone in our commitment to leading logistics and transport, and above all collaboration and interoperability innovation. While this update comes later than planned, our mission remains the same: to redefine transport, foster impactful partnerships, and drive Europe’s mobility evolution.

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And that’s not all…

At AETHON, we believe in the power of collaboration. To continue our mission of shaping smarter, more efficient border enforcement systems, we encourage enforcement professionals across Europe to share their insights through the KEYSTONE Enforcement Authority Feedback Survey. Your input will play a crucial role in developing innovative solutions for cross-border data exchange and enhancing compliance processes.

Take the Survey Today…

#AETHONGR #KEYSTONEProject #SustainableMobility #SmartTransport #AIInnovation #ThoughtLeadership #Collaboration

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