
MobiDataLab Hackathon: Navigating the Path to Mobility Innovation

We’re overjoyed to have been part of the incredible journey at the MobiDataLab #Hackathon, held in Paris on September 15-16!

A heartfelt thank you to all the participants, both those who joined us in person at the makesense hub and those who joined us virtually. Together, you put on your thinking caps for two days and tackled mobility challenges presented by our esteemed partner municipalities:

Revolutionizing pedestrian mobility in #Paris, employing innovative data enrichment techniques to better understand pedestrian behavior.

Simplifying mobility during major events in #Milan, reducing traffic congestion, minimizing the environmental footprint, and enhancing the overall event experience.

Crafting the perfect spots for mobility hubs in #Leuven, introducing dynamic planning to bolster on-demand services.

Elevating taxi mobility in #Eindhoven with real-time availability insights, queue optimization, and encouraging sustainable transportation choices.

AETHON Engineering: Navigating the Path to Mobility Innovation

At the heart of MobiDataLab, AETHON Engineering is playing a pivotal role in designing and overseeing the grand scheme of the #MobiDataLab #Living_Labs. The #Hackathon marked the second instance of this journey, with #Codagon coming next.

Our team’s role extended beyond assisting in the organisation of the event, to creating and presenting the rules and guidelines of the #Hackathon to our exceptional participants.

But that wasn’t all – we were also at the helm of the evaluation process.

From setting up the evaluation process and providing instructions to our esteemed reviewers to engaging closely with them and leading the jury deliberations, AETHON Engineering was on a mission to ensure that innovation thrived at every turn.

A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated team members and to all the participants who brought their creativity, passion, and problem-solving prowess to the MobiDataLab Hackathon.

#MobiDataLabHackathon #MobilityInnovation #LivingLabs #AETHONEngineering

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