We would like to invite you to the MaaSive and Shift2Maas projects’ final showcase on the 22nd June 2021 at 10:00 CEST.
The final event of our projects will be the opportunity to showcase how we contributed to Shift2Rail’s Innovation Programme 4, which aims to facilitate multimodal travel in a highly diverse European environment.
During the event, we will demonstrate the results from the Shift2MaaS pilots that tested IP4 technologies in Lisbon, Malaga and Central-East Corridor. In addition, the MaaSive project will demonstrate some of the functionalities (such as Location Based Experiences using Hololens, Mobility Packages lifecycle, Inspection/Validation mode, Demand Responsive Transport mode integration with public transport).
Click here to register for the event and check what you should be expecting on the day of the event below!

See you on June 22nd!