




PROSPECTS 5.0 is a smart study on the analysis and identification of practices, drives, success factors, and obstacles of transition towards industry 5.0 for SMEs, start-ups, and scale-ups. PROSPECTS 5.0 aims to support the transition to Industry 5.0 by providing practical guidance, reports, tools, solutions, and a collaborative platform for industry stakeholders to remove the barriers for industry to opt into the I5.0. To provide real-world examples the project will analyze 14 use cases from different European Union countries and 6 different industries, covering various types of manufacturing, service providing, education, energy, aviation transport, and automotive. The use cases from these sectors will ensure a focused and effective transition to Industry 5.0.

PROSPECTS 5.0 results are expected to encourage collaboration between different entities, including companies, universities, research centers, and government agencies, to co-create solutions and innovations, improve the skills and mindsets of individuals regarding Industry 5.0 and study pilot projects to test, validate, and measure the impact of I5.0.

Additionally, PROSPECTS 5.0 will raise awareness of Industry 5.0 through workshops, seminars/webinars, and collaborative online platforms and web applications. PROSPECTS 5.0 is relevant to the worker Horizon Europe Cluster 4 (Digital, Industry, Space) specifically to destination 6: A human-centers and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies since the project results will lead to a more inclusive and sustainable EU industry, and indirectly, the project findings will facilitate the understanding of the required skills needed to support the twin transition.

Role of AETHON

AETHON will have a significant role in the project by developing the PROSPECTS 5.0 platform and providing Industry 5.0 reports, due to its specialization in software engineering and data analytics. More specifically, AETHON will lead the following tasks:

  • Development of the Industry 5.0 Assessment reports
  • Development of the PROSPECTS 5.0 platform
  • Data Management Plan

AETHON will lead Work Package 3 (WP3): Uncovering Patterns and Trends.


Public Results

Public Deliverables:

Project Information

Duration: 1/1/2024 to 31/12/2026 (36 months)

Budget: €3,999,335.00

Project link: https://prospects5-0.eu/





NOUS will develop the architecture of a European Cloud Service that allows computational and data storage resources to be used from edge devices as well as supercomputers, through the HPC network, and Quantum Computers. NOUS will be an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)/Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) cloud provider, harnessing edge computing and decentralisation paradigms to incorporate a wide array of devices and machines in its computational flow to provide leaps in Europe’s capability to process vast amounts of data. The pipeline of the NOUS in the project will include three types of components: i) computational components that are responsible for executing computations, ii) edge components that are responsible for communicating with edge devices (such as IoT sensors/ actuators/ devices), iii) data storage components that are responsible for data storage and storage management. Components are researched individually, expecting to yield breakthroughs, and jointly, to create the architecture and cloud-level services such as syndication with other platforms and virtual labs. The project has defined 4 use-cases that will allow the testing of the developed technologies in real-world scenarios that industry leaders face. The NOUS architecture will be made open source to allow the capitalization by companies and organisations. Furthermore, a set of workshops and collaboration activities is envisioned with Data Spaces Support Centre, Gaia-X, FIWARE and EOSC powered by a strong consortium of 21 partners from 11 European countries.

Role of AETHON

AETHON will have a significant role in the project by leading Work Package 6: ‘Towards the creation of the NOUS architecture’. Furthermore, AETHON will lead the T2.2 task which comprises of the requirements elicitation and prioritisation for the NOUS architecture and NOUS components. AETHON will also create an Auto-Standardiser tool for translation to data standards within T5.4 and will deliver a Virtual Lab for data collaboration within T6.4. Finally, AETHON will also overview all the data related activities as an assigned Data Protection Officer.


Public Results

Public Deliverables:

  • D1.3 Data Management Plan – View pdf

Project Information

Duration: 1/1/2024 to 31/12/2026 (36 months)

Budget: €8,428,875.00

Project link: https://nous-project.eu/





SIGN-AIR will develop and pilot a new platform for an orchestrated sharing of data in multimodal traveling. The platform will provide the means for Transport Service Providers (TSPs) to register, reach Data Sharing Agreements with other TSPs and manage their contractual relationships. While the SIGN-AIR platform will only manage the contractual aspects through the types of data offered by the TSPs, the TSPs will continue managing their data and that of their customers. As an added value, the SIGN-AIR platform will provide a number of advantages and services to the stakeholders of multimodal travel for the B2B2C chain through the analysis and exploitation of the contracts: (i) templates for contracts to simplify the legal management, (ii) electronic management and information provision about each specific contract, (iii) routing information for Travel Companions (TCs) with enriched information about the specific contracts for their traveler customers, and (iv) facilitation of single ticketing through the comprehensive understanding of the contracts and the data managed, among others. The whole concept will be moved from TRL2, reached by the mother project SYN-AIR, to TRL 7. This will be done with an intensive evolution of the software and a continuous evaluation and piloting of the software with different important stakeholders that are present in the consortium. The development of the software will generate a Minimum Valuable Product in the first 12 months of the project and, in parallel, it will be piloted and improved through continuous development of the technologies in the following 21 months, reaching a TRL7 platform in month 33 of the project. The partnership is formed by knowledgeable teams in the areas of IT, legal and mobility; including airports TSPs and Transport Authorities on the piloting side.

Role of AETHON

AETHON will have a significant role in the project by designing and implementing a series of functionalities and added value services of the SIGN-AIR platform, main project’s outcome, due to its specialization in software engineering and data analytics. More specifically, AETHON will lead the following tasks:

  • 2 ‘Data Standardization and Harmonization aspects’
  • 6 ‘Templating mechanism’
  • 9 ‘Monitoring Dashboards of TSPs for the contracts’ management’
  • 11 ‘Analytics Services’
  • 15 ‘Validation and demonstration of SIGN-AIR platform’

Finally, AETHON will lead LOT 3: ‘Post settlement and added value services’.



Public Results

Public Deliverables:

  • D2.2 Standardisation (STAND) – Initial – View pdf

Project Information

Duration: 1/6/2023 to 31/5/2026 (36 months)

Budget: €6,255,977.50





The overreaching goal of KEYSTONE is to support the development of a sustainable, efficient, and safe transport system, allowing enforcement authorities to access data for the purpose of checking compliance with rules applied in the transport of goods and passengers.

The aim is to tailor standardised digital solutions that can be used from several realities to standardize the transport system.

To demonstrate the validity of the solutions proposed, an app will be developed so that two highly diverse pilots can prove the efficiency of the KEYSTONE’s innovation. Using the gained experience to develop a seamless, interoperable, and intermodal digital transport ecosystem that can be replicated at European level, the KEYSTONE digital solutions consist of standardised APIs for data and information sharing between transport enforcement authorities and logistics operators.

The concept is based on a federated approach that allows:

  • to reduce the costs of logistics thanks to more efficient operations and interoperability;
  • to reduce the impact on the environment thanks to data sharing;
  • to consolidate flows and to improve safety thanks to seamless information exchange with enforcement authorities;
  • to foster the acceptance of the CCAM solutions (Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility).

Role of AETHON

AETHON will contribute with its expertise in information technology and management information systems, as well as with its transport, logistics and transport data stadnardisation knowledge and expertise. AETHON will lead the development of an implementation framework for Plug & Play, by creating the API reference model and developing the API standard.

In addition, AETHON will contribute its knowledge and experience in data sharing in the logistics and transport sectors in order to contribute in determining business cases and ultimately affect the development of the API reference model.


Project Information

Duration: 1/6/2023 – 30/6/2026 (36 months)

Budget: €3,522,881.25





The overall objective of MobiDataLab is to propose to the mobility stakeholders (transport organising authorities, operators, industry, innovators) a replicable methodology and sustainable tools that foster the development of a data sharing culture in Europe and beyond. MobiDataLab is based on a continuous co-development of knowledge and of technical solutions for data sharing with high involvement of all data producers and consumers in the transport and mobility landscape. This will be put in action through problem-solving oriented Labs, the collection and analysis of advice and recommendations of experts and supporting cities/regions/clusters/associations aided by the incremental construction of a cross-thematic knowledge base and of a cloud-based service platform, which will federate access and usage of data sharing resources.

MobiDataLab leverages on the legal, technological and economic opportunities to:

  • present mobility data providers with recommendations on how to improve the quality, accessibility and usability of their data – how to describe them, how to store them safely and securely, how to make them available, easy to find, and understandable;
  • encourage the reuse of these data and foster users’ trust in the data, contributing to the development and promotion of open tools to the community of innovators;
  • bring together mobility stakeholders (both data providers and data consumers) to find innovative solutions to concrete problems, using open data as a tool.

The MobiDataLab consortium is formed by 10 partners from Industry, Research, Academia, Consultancy and Governance sectors, located in 7 countries. The consortium shares a common view on the values and benefits of open data and open source principles for fostering independence and uptake by communities. The MobiDataLab yet young-and-emerging group of supporting parties allows to consider replicability of approach and results in many more countries, including beyond EU

Role of AETHON

AETHON will have a significant role in the technical tasks due to its specialization in the transport field and data analysis. AETHON will explore the actor’s needs and the cooperation framework and will create and execute the Living and Virtual Labs in order to collect data regarding the data sharing culture and the impact and efficiency of the project.


Public Results

Public Deliverables:

  • D3.1 Actors’ needs and cooperation framework report – View pdf
  • D5.1 The Virtual Lab – View pdf
  • D5.5 Report On Living Labs Monitoring – View pdf

Project Information

Duration: 1/2/2021 to 31/1/2024 (36 months)

Budget: €2,999,305.00

Project link: http://www.mobidatalab.eu/




The project with code Τ2ΕΔΚ-00023 and name EFFICIOUS is executed through the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (NSRF) for the period 2014-2020 through the Action «ΕΡΕΥΝΩ – ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΩ – ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΩ» (Β’ Κύκλος). The total budget of the project is €199.778,00, while the Public Funding for the project is 151.803,40.


The project’s goal is to create an online platform, that will connect the companies (through their representatives) that want to exchange not useful products, or unused equipment or even services. This platform will also provide the opportunity to recycle or even donate to charity or other organizations. In this way, the platform will try to tackle the problem of unused resources and unused equipment of companies and especially in the construction field.

The project will analyze and describe the needs of the market and the users, and the architectural design of the platform (the modules, requirements and functionalities of EFFICIOUS). At the same time, a smart algorithm will be developed in order to match demand and supply. Then the implementation of the platform will be initialized, the corresponding database will be created, and the interface will be configured. Finally, a pilot will be carried out with the help of construction companies and a feasibility study along with a business plan will be produced.

The creation of the platform aims to re-use surplus products or services through their exchange, aiming at enhancing the circular economy, waste management and reducing energy footprint of companies. EFFICIOUS’s goal is to offer a holistic solution that will generate profit for the companies by creating value for unused products and thus reducing the companies’ costs.

Visit efficious: https://efficious.com/

Role of AETHON

AETHON is the only beneficiary and coordinator of the project

Public Results

Project Information

Project ID: Τ2ΕΔΚ-00023

Duration: 28/7/2020 to 27/7/2023 (36 months)

Budget: €199,778.00 €

My TRAvel Companion (My-TRAC)

My TRAvel Companion (My-TRAC)



My-TRAC project aims to deliver an innovative application for seamless transport and an ecosystem of models and algorithms for Public Transport – PT user choice simulation, data analytics and affective computing. My-TRAC stands out from other technologies due to three main reasons. First, My-TRAC fosters unprecedented involvement of users during, before and after a trip through a smart Human-Machine interface and numerous functionalities such as crowdsourcing, group recommendations, data exchange. Second, the application implements a vast array of technologies, such as affective computing, Artificial Intelligence and user choice simulation, that fuse expertise from multiple fields. Third, My-TRAC facilitates engagement of multiple stakeholders by seamlessly integrating services and creating connections between Rail operators, Mobility-as-a-Service and other PT providers.

My-TRAC application is a travel companion designed to operate similarly to a human companion; understanding traveller’s attributes and state-of-mind to derive conclusions from vague information as any human does. In addition, My-TRAC will be the traveller’s gateway to various services related to using PT, having Rail in the epicentre. My-TRAC application will also provide predictive information concerning disruptions and disturbances. It will not only display data but analyse them through innovative algorithms to provide improved recommendations.

My-TRAC also involves PT operators through the “operators’ interface” where they can retrieve and visualize aggregated data on users’ movements and state-of-mind that will assist in strategic and dynamic operations. Data that the operators retrieve are aggregated and anonymized while all models and algorithms are applied on the mobile device of the user, seamlessly integrating the “privacy-by-design” concept.

The consortium will test the idea in 4 pilot locations with the cooperation of local operators: NS (NL), ATTIKO Metro (GR), FGC (SP), Fertagus (PT).

AETHON is the initiator of the My-TRAC project idea.

Role of AETHON

AETHON is leading technical tasks related to user-centric technologies of the My-TRAC application. AETHON performs multiple tasks related to behavioural analytics of passengers and participates actively in the data collection processes (design and implementation of questionnaire survey, analysis of mobility patterns etc.). Furthermore, AETHON works on the development of the My-TRAC smartphone application and is leading the development of the “operator’s interface”. Finally, AETHON participates in pilot’s design and execution in 4 countries: Greece, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal.


Project Information

Duration: 1/9/2017 to 31/8/2020 (36 months)

Budget: €3,494,476.25

Project linkhttp://www.my-trac.eu/ (Project website), http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/211972_en.html (Publication in CORDIS)

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